Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 6

We spoke to the doctor yesterday evening, and she told us some things were weren't expecting. These things were always possibilities, but it was so hard to hear. So far what we understand is they are doing a genetics screening test to figure out if there is a wacky gene or not. There are different gene types associated with ALL. This genetic test along with the bone marrow biopsy will help determine whether or not Emma will need a bone marrow transfusion. I guess we just understood that she would only do chemo and nothing else, but the doctor said that the bone marrow transfusion is always on reserve.

Jonny and I are scared! We had a rough night last night because the thought of losing our little girl overwhelmed us. We are trying so hard to stay strong, but the devil keeps putting those little thoughts in our minds. I have prayed so hard today that the Lord would just fill us with peace. That he will help us understand this overload of information that the doctors keep giving us. I am attempting to study up on leukemia, but I just can't wrap my mind around everything. The book that I'm reading also gives you every detail, up to the worst case scenarios. I know I need to know everything about what is going on, but I'm scared to open that book or do research on the internet because then I know what could happen to Emma.

So many things are going through our minds, but God keeps reminding us that everything is okay. Jonny and I studied about fear in our bible study together this morning. And the one quote that keeps popping up in my mind is, "As hard as trusting can be, living with constant fear is harder." That is so true! And as we were wrapping up our bible study, I came accross a daily devotional I had saved in my bible. It talks about wavering faith. Here is a quote from the study, " the closest we get to perfect faith while on earth is the ability to trust what we ask in God is as good as done." We have been praying for God to completely heal Emma, so why do we keep doubting that this will be done? As we were leaving the chapel this morning Jonny said, "Why not? We have been praying for a complete healing, so why wouldn't God completely heal her?"

My stomach has been in complete knots today, but as I was putting Emma down to sleep I was praying for everything to be okay. As I was praying I felt a complete peace come over me. God is so good to us! I know that there will still be days ahead where we are scared, but we have a great support system and we have a God who loves us more than we can imagine.

Emma's test results were the same today, and the doctors were pleased! Please pray specifically for the bone marrow test on monday. Pray that there is no leukemia in the bone marrow. Also pray that the genetic screening comes back normal, so chemo is the only method of treatment Emma has to do. Also pray that Emma doesn't have any side effects to the medication, and that she can feel great throughout the entire process. And as always continue to pray for a complete healing of our brave little Emma Grace Williams! She has had another great day of playing, talking, and entertaining anyone who walks through her door!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for complete healing daily. You guys are my heroes!
