Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 25

Emma is finally back to herself today! We are confident that we got the infection taken care of and she has lost a lot of the fluid she retained. She is able to sit up on her own, and is eating somewhat regularly. She will have to continue the antibiotics for the next 4 days to make sure we have taken care of everything. Jonny and I are so happy that she is back on track!

She is done with chemo until her white blood cells start to recover. As of today, she has not produced any. But her platelets were at 85,000 which is a very good number for Emma. She is scheduled to get a central line put in on monday. This is an IV through her chest which is inserted into her major artery. This will be a semi-permanent IV that they will use for all of her treatments. We cannot wait for this to happen so she actually start to use her left arm again! The doctor said that as long as her platelets are high enough, and she has produced a few white blood cells, they can put the central line in.

The doctors are pleased with Emma's progress through this infection, but know that we still have a long road ahead of us. They are still saying that we may get to go home for a day or two, but that they are not certain. God knows what is best for Emma, and he will continue to be with her throughout this entire process. Because Emma has not produced white blood cells, they may delay her chemo for a week or two. So, we don't know how long we will be in the hospital this time around. We want to get her through this as quickly as possible, but we know that she needs her rest.

They are encouraging Jonny and I to get out of the hospital because we are going stir crazy! I have gotten out for a couple of hours at a time, but I feel so guilty leaving her. But if I don't get out I will go crazy looking at the same 4 walls 24/7. We are also ready for a good night sleep. Emma has decided the last 2 nights that she wants to play from 2-4:30 a.m. Last night she talked and scratched my shirt for 2 1/2 hours! I was almost to the point of asking for morphine to put her to sleep : ) But I didn't! My goal for the rest of the week is to get her on a schedule again for her sake and ours.

Please pray specifically for:

Production of good white blood cells

Platelets to keep producing and staying high

For the central line to be put in on monday

No infections

Rest for the entire family

Complete healing of her current infection

Complete healing

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