Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 22

We had a rough start last night, but Emma is doing well today. She has had horrible mucoucitis (sp?) which has caused her trouble breathing, but it seems to be doing better today. The doctor was in our room 3 times last night, and we finally figured out that the best way to get Emma comfortable is to put her on her tummy. We would have never thought about this because her stomach is so big. I thought it would cause her more discomfort, but she sleeps so well. Praise the Lord! She has lost some fluid, but her body is still unbelievably puffy. It has caused her skin to stretch which is uncomfortable and she can't sit up on her own anymore. They are going to give her more medication to try to get rid of all of this fluid.

We had good news this morning! Her platelets have stayed up at 21,000 which is a vast improvement from the 6,000 yesterday. We are hoping this is a good sign that she is starting to produce her own. Her white blood cell count is still at zero, but we are hoping that it will start to improve in the next few days. The doctor also said that she is doing "remarkably" well, and we expect her to make a full recovery from this infection. Nothing has grown from the cultures they have taken recently which is a good sign that the infection is going away!

Our nurses have been wonderful here, and make a difference in Emma's progress. Emma loves their name badges so much that they made her one. It says Princess Emma! She loves it and wears it when she feels well. Thank you nurses and doctors at Childrens for loving our little girl!

She is sleeping right now so we are just trying to keep her quiet and comfortable. She will not get another round of chemo until her white blood cell counts recover on their own. So now we are just hanging out until that happens.

We want to thank everyone for your extra prayers the last couple of days. God has answered! He continues to give Jonny and I a peace about the situation. These days have been hard, but God continues to heal our little girl. We will keep you all updated! We can't thank everyone enough for your kindness, support, and prayers! We love you all!!

Please pray specifically for:

The fluid to drain quickly so Emma can be comfortable again

Infection to be completely gone

Her to produce good white blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets


A complete healing

Minimal side effects from the chemo

Jonny and I to get sleep and stay healthy

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