Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 11

It seems like we have been in this hospital forever. We are kind of picking up some sort of a routine, and I almost have the room organized the way I want it. I can't believe it was 11 days ago that we found out the news! Jonny and I are finally accepting the fact that Emma has leukemia, and are getting ready for the long year ahead of us. We are still being bomarded with information daily, and are trying our best to keep up. We are meeting a lot of new families who are in the same situation we are, and it has helped us through some days here. God has been so good to us, and has filled us daily with peace. We still have our moments of sadness and worry, but we know that God is in control, and he will protect Emma.

Emma has been sick most of the week. She has been very tired, and nauseas the last few days. We are having a hard time getting her to eat, so the doctors increased her IV fluid again so she will stay hydrated. She is very fussy, and acts like she is achy all over. She has been sleeping most of the days, and is restless at night. We don't like seeing her in this state, but we know that what we are doing is saving her life, and that helps us cope better with the situation.

Jonny woke up early tuesday morning with horrible pain in his stomach. He woke me and said that he was in so much pain he had to go to the emergency room. One of the nurses from our floor took him over to presbyterian hospital in a wheel chair to get checked out in the ER. I was so worried that I called his parents to come stay with Emma, so I could go sit with him. It turned out that he just had an infection, and they medicated him with some powerful meds so he could sleep. The infection was caused by lack of hydration, and sitting around for the last week. His dad and I brought him back to the room, and he was passed out almost all day on tuesday. This was a warning to both Jonny and I that we need to start taking care of ourselves or we are going to be useless to Emma. We have started drinking more water, and eating healthier.
Emma spiked a fever of 101.4 on wednesday, which the doctors say was to be expected. They drew blood right away, and then started her on some broad spectrum antibiotics. So far the tests have come back negative for infection, so they think it might be a nutripenic fever. This is due to the low amount of nutrifils. This is very common, and her fever has been lower ever since. The doctor also said that her hemoglobin is low as well as her platelets, so she will be receiving a transfusion for both this weekend.

We want to thank everyone again for all of their support and prayers for Emma! We have enjoyed all of the food baskets, cards, and visitors. We can't thank you enough for everything you have done and are doing for our family. We have such amazing family, friends, and church family. Please pray that Emma starts to feel better. Pray that the genetics test comes back in Emma's favor, and as always pray for a COMPLETE HEALING! We love you!

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