Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home sweet home!

We arrived home yesterday afternoon after a long day at the hospital. Emma's chemo level was perfect yesterday morning, but her hemoglobin and platelets were low. So, they had to do transfusions which took about 5 hours total! When we finally got to leave we were so happy!

Emma has been kind of sick the past couple of days. Yesterday she was nauseas and extremely tired and restless. Last night she couldn't keep a lot down and didn't go to bed until almost 2 a.m. I just couldn't get her to calm down. I think it is a combination of nausea and teething, but I'm not sure. She has had a better morning and already enjoyed a visit to grandma's house.

Her AGC is 7000+ so her immune system is great. We asked the dr. if it would be okay to go to the zoo, and she said that would be a great idea. I think we are going to go tomorrow when it is a little bit cooler and hopefully no rain! Right now Emma is taking a nap and then we are just going to relax for the rest of the day. We are scheduled to go to the clinic on thursday for her pre-admit check-up, and then we will admit to the hospital on friday morning. She will have 5 days of chemo, and then we will hopefully get to be home for 3 weeks. That is as long as Emma does not get sick.

Please pray specifically for:

No infections

No more nausea or any other side effects

A restful stay at home

A good day for the zoo tomorrow

No side effects from the next round of chemo

A complete healing

Sleep for Jonathan and I


  1. She's such a little trooper :-) Someday, Emma and Jenna will both be healthy and sharing how the Lord has blessed them both!

    I would love to come see Emma again, but I'm not sure when it's okay...??? If you get the chance, I'd love to know :-)

    Praying for you and your sweet family.

  2. Hopefully you guys will get to go to the zoo tomorrow. I think I jinxed us with rain today, but fingers crossed it will be nice and dry, and not too hot tomorrow!! :)
    Love you guys! We need to try and do dinner for you three sometime soon.
