Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Enjoying our time at home!

We have been home since yesterday afternoon. Emma cleared the chemo extremely well and has been feeling good. She had a little bit of nausea this morning, but I called the doctor and they prescribed some meds to help her out. We had to make a visit to the clinic today because when I had trouble flushing and heplocking her central line. They said we needed to come in so they could get the clog out.

They did a cbc and Emma's counts were great! She is producing her own platelets now which are almost normal and her agc was 7700. This means that she has a normal immune system and is able to fight off infection. This makes our trip home even more enjoyable because we are not stressing about her getting sick. She can still get sick, but not as easily. Since we went to the clinic today and she is looking well, we won't have to go back on thursday for her pre-admit exam.

Today Emma and I were playing with her toys on her quilt and she leaned forward and fell on her hands. She then pulled her legs around so she was on her tummy! I was so excited I thought she was going to start to crawl!! So, I tried to put her toys further in front of her so she would have to reach. Well instead of catching herself with her hands, she face planted into the ground. She got the saddest look on her face and just started crying. I felt so bad because I made her reach so far, but I just want her to crawl so badly. Oh well, it's a step forward : )

We will go back to the hospital on friday morning for another round of chemo. Please pray specifically for:

Emma to continue to feel well

No side effects from chemo

A restful stay at home for all three of us especially Emma

No infections

A complete healing, no relapse!


  1. I am so glad to see that smiling face of hers! She has such a beautiful smile, and I had been missing it so badly!
    Glad to hear she is doing well being home, I am sure she is glad to be out of the hospital as much as you and Jonny are!
    I hope you guys have another good day at home tomorrow... I will talk to you soon, and we will probably make a visit up to the hospital sometime this weekend if thats alright.
    Love you guys!

  2. Oh sweet Emma! What a precious sight to see when that page opens!!! That adorable smiling face of yours!!! Jonny & Jessica, we are so proud that you guys have had some time at home and that things are going so well for you!

    Our love to all 3 of you!!!

    Cindy & Gerome
