Saturday, May 23, 2009

Another day at the hospital

I forgot to tell everyone the prayer God answered about a week ago when we were worried she would have to have surgery for the abcess. The ultrasound went great and it was all clear!!! God has not failed to answer all of our prayers and we are so thankful. We got to go home that day, and it was our first time we got to go home.

Emma had a long busy day yesterday. She had her spinal tap at noon, and then they knocked her out to put the cathedar in. She was asleep most of the day yesterday and slept through the night. She had a bout of nausea, but after some good medicine she has done great! They scheduled us to come in at 9 a.m., but didn't get the spinal done until noon. This is a problem because they won't let Emma eat after midnight the night before. She was able to have clear liquids up until 6 a.m. but when I woke her up she gave me a mouthful! So I put her back to sleep with nothing in her tummy : (

They called us down for the spinal, and then they realized they had the wrong dose and needed to reorder. So, we waited a little bit longer and got it done. Then about an hour or so later they gave her medicine to relax her so they could put the cathedar in. Well, it knocked her completely out : )

Today is a relaxed day. Not a lot going on just waiting for the chemo levels to clear. They will give her a rescue drug to also help flush the chemo out. The doctor said that we could possibly go home tomorrow if the level is good.

Please pray specifically for:

The chemo to flush quickly

NO side effects

No infections

A restful nights sleep for Emma

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