Thursday, August 13, 2009

Blood Drive and Next Round of Chemo!

Jonathan, Emma, and I would like to thank everyone for donating blood on Sunday in Emma's name. THANK YOU THANK YOU! We haven't gotten the final result from the blood bank, but I will let you know. We appreciate your donations so much! I was anemic on sunday, but am going to try to donate later this week or next.

Emma has been in the hospital since tuesday morning getting another round of chemo. She will get chemo through saturday, and we should be able to go home saturday evening. Unless she has to get a blood transfusion, then they will keep us until sunday. She will start her nupigen shots on monday to help her rebuild her white blood cells. When she makes counts, she will admit for the two days of high dose aricie (sp?) and then they will keep a watch on her. This chemo will totally bottom out her counts so we will have to be extra careful washing our hands and hers.

She has done extremely well with this round of chemo, and is acting like a normal 10 month baby. She has hit the stage where she doesn't want to sleep at night, and fought me for 45 minutes last night. I feel sorry for our neighbors : ) We are going to let NaNa put her to sleep tonight just to see if she will fight her. She is not taking very good naps either, but it is really hard on her being in the hospital. It messes up her entire routine. Plus, she is getting 2 chemo's a day which is very hard on her little body.

Please pray for:

A restful stay at the hospital

No infections

Protection for her body from the chemo

Emma will stay in remission

1 comment:

  1. Little Emma, I pray and think of you sooo much. Keep up the good fight. I continue to pray for Emma's complete healing.

    Hugs n Mugs,
    Mary Gubser (Asher's MiMi)
