Sunday, November 15, 2009

Emma's chemo and Great Uncle John

As Emma was being admitted for her 5 day in-patient chemo treatment, her great uncle John Griffis was across the walkway at Presbyterian Hospital being treated for a head trauma. He was roofing saturday morning and fell off the ladder and hit his head. Luckily his son was there and called 911. He was rushed to the emergency room where he underwent surgery and was stable. After the CT scan this afternoon they realized that there is still bleeding and swelling of the brain. He is currently in a coma and they will repeat the CT scan tomorrow morning to see if there has been anymore damage. Our family gathered around his bed this afternoon and had a healing service. We are praying for a complete healing of John's body. Please pray that he fully recovers from this. Pray for his family who have very heavy hearts right now and are still in shock. It is not easy to see your family member in that condition. Pray that God gives them a peace in this situation. God has already given our family one miracle and we are ready for another one!!

Emma is on day 2 of chemo and is doing very well. She has had no side effects from the chemo and is now receiving an IGIV transfusion to help boost her immune system. This is a 6 hour transfusion and can have the same reactions as a blood transfusion or platelet transfusion. She is 2 hours into it and so far so good! She is getting extremely restless in the hospital because she is not able to crawl around and cruise on the furniture here. She has a catheder and is hooked up to fluids, so she can only go so far without risking pulling those out. She will have 3 more days of chemo and is scheduled to go home on wednesday. Please pray that she continues to have NO side effects from the chemo here or at home. Pray that the Lord protects her brain and organs from long term side effects from the chemo. Pray for a restful stay at the hospital for Emma and our family.

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