Saturday, June 6, 2009

A Great Week!

Emma will be discharged today for a much needed break at home. She received 5 days of 2 different kinds of chemo medicines and she did fabulously! She had a stomach ache the very first day, but after that she did not have any side effects. She was such a joy everyday just playing and trying to figure out how she is going to get around. She has started to get on her tummy from the sitting position, so I know it is just a matter of time before she is crawling. I'm excited but at the same time nervous because it is hard to keep a crawling baby entertained in a hospital room. Especially when she will be hooked up to an IV.
I celebrated my 27th birthday on wednesday and the only thing I could have asked for is Emma feeling great. And God answered my prayer. He has been so good to us and especially our Emma. Jonny brought me dinner from Bravo's and instead of a cake I got Cuppies and Joe : ) I got to spend the entire day with my family!
Emma said her first word on thursday. As much as I wanted her to say mama first, she actually said "dada". Jonny wasn't here at the time, but she has said it many times since then. This made Jonny's day : ) She has been entertaining the entire family with her continuous talking and playing all week. She woke up this morning at 5:30 and talked until 6 before fussing because she was hungry. Jonny and I just laid in bed and listened to her talk as well as the nurses right outside at the nurses station.
We should be discharged late this afternoon and will have to return to the clinic twice a week until her counts recover. Her AGC (good white blood cells) have to be at least 755 and her platelets 75000. We will start her nupigen shots tomorrow, which will help her rebuild her white blood cells. We will be home at least a week, maybe more depending on how quickly she rebuilds everything. We are hoping for longer, but we also know how important it is to start the next round of chemo too. As far as we understand, we will be in the hospital for 3 weeks and then home until she rebuilds enough to start chemo again. We are actually starting the entire process over again.
Things may change but that is to be expected. We are trying hard to make this our normal now, but I am still struggling. Jonny has started work regularly so he is getting out of the hospital which has been good for him. He misses Emma a lot, but gets stir crazy just sitting around in the hospital. I am also going stir crazy, but am trying to figure out some things to do to keep me occupied. I have started taking Yoga classes, but am finding it hard to get away from the hospital. It will definetly be easier at home.
Please pray specifically for:
A restful stay at home
No infections
No side effects
Next round of chemo
A complete healing!

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